Our Family Tree
This tree is a living work and was significantly updated in April 2022 and is updated continually. I started this tree more than 25 years ago with the help of many of you, my family. Individuals included have increased through births and research to 1525, up from 1470. Sources have increased to 198 up from 197. Media items have increased to 1236 from 1140, comprised of 331 Photos up from 253 plus Census Forms, Documents etc. Prominent family surnames in this tree include Reilly, Neupauer, Mason, Lippincott, Souder, MacLuskey, Chiola, Himmelwright, Irvine, Lay, Meyers, Sharp, Wilson, Williams, James, Herman, Rotzell and many more. The new format of the tree on the web is very easy to navigate and will allow changes to be made more easily and frequently. It features photos , interactive charts and reports, downloadable gedcoms and PDFs, timelines, maps and vastly improved access to supporting documents. Feel free to suggest changes by using the Suggest link on the right or the tab on individual pages and submit photos or documents by using Submit Photo/Document link on right or the tab on individual pages. If you do not like your profile photo, submit a new one. All will be appreciated. Check the Whats New and Most Wanted links below for recent changes and information and media that is needed. Check back often as I hope the tree will continue to thrive and grow. I hope you enjoy the tree as much as I have in putting it together. David T Reilly Family Tree Chart Lippincott Family Tree I was given a copy of the Lippincott Family Tree by my cousin John Mason. It was in poor shape and I had it conserved. They did the best they could with the copy but it still came out missing considerable areas. Research led me to the Library Of Congress and I was able to purchase a scan of the copy they possess. Contact UsIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. |